Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh Bridge Where Art Thou

Carrakarick Rope Bridge

Before we left for Ireland, we had found out that in Northern Ireland, not far from the Giant's Causeway there was a rope bridge that we should try to see while we are there. Again going by the theory that we aren't in Ireland everyday we decided to take the trip to the bridge.

First of all, the view on the coastal route is arguably better than any coastal route I've been on in the States....on the left side you have breathtaking views of the Atlantic & miles of cliffs & shores & the other side you have rolling green hills speckled with sheep as far as the eye can see.....and the occasional castle sighting!!

Back to the bridge though. We arrive at the car park & walk up to the small booth to purchase our admission tickets. From the time it took to walk from the car to the ticket booth the fog rolled in. It was so thick that even though we were standing on the cliff we could only hear but not see the water & the crashing waves below. In my head I was wishing we could see the view of the ocean but also secretly hoping that I would hear a lone bag-piper in the distance.

Again I'm off on a tangent, I apologize. Thom, if you're reading this, you're welcome!

So, we have to walk from the ticket booth out to the actual rope bridge. What nobody tells you is that this bridge is about 1 1/2 miles and about half of that is uphill & down some steep uneven steps. It is however worth the hype. In our hike to the bridge, the fog drifted on and holy schneikes...the view. The water went from depths of deep blue/black water to that of cool nearly turquoise shades in the shallows.

We had to wait in a short line at the actual bridge as only 8 people at a time could cross it. When it was our turn I was the 2nd to cross (I think) and it was a bit shaky thanks to the wind but not bad at all, I was able to take a few shots from the bridge itself, we shall see if the photos turned out later. All I know is that behind me you would have thought Bettina had fallen thru the bridge. She did not care too much for the sway & vibrations of the rope bridge.

On the far side of the bridge however the efforts were rewarded even more. From this view we were able to look out on a small cove & what to our wondering eyes should appear but two small fins and some dolphins!! (sorry I couldn't think of anything that would rhyme with reindeer hahahah) But seriously, there were 2 dolphins out in the bay just having a good ol time. Awesome!

The crossing back over the bridge went smoother for Ms. Shaky legs Bettina & I was the last to cross back over to the far side. Tracy was the photog for this leg & she wanted me to slow down so she could catch some photos of me crossing. I obliged & actually took a surfer pose on the 1 foot wide board of the rope bridge.

Overall, the view & experience of the bridge I cannot pronounce was "Lovely"!

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