Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Giants Causeway

Giant's Causeway

What is the Giant's Causeway you ask. Well if you listen to the locals here you will find out that basically their giant, Finn, was in a fight with Scotland's giant. Finn however couldn't swim so he decided to walk to Scotland. In order to do so he built his path which is now known as the causeway.

It is on the northern shore of Ireland and it is made up of thousands of hexagonal stones & stone spires. When you see this amazing work of nature you can understand why the myth & lore of the giant exists. These stone pillars are of equal size & all symmetrical. If you were to look down on them from above I imagine it might look like a honey comb.

Since I'm in ireland every day I opted to take the "blue" path with everyone in our group. The blue path takes you down to the actual causeway itself vs. the other paths which give you a view from afar. Once down to the stones Tracy & I had a quick game of QBert....I think she may have won, though I don't know how to actually score points in our game...at any rate, I took off jumping from stone pillar to stone pillar until I reached the top of a hill on the coast. It was refreshing to have the wind blowing and to hear the waves crashing as I soaked in the awe inspiring beauty....it was at this point that I fell on my rear. Okay I didn't actually fall, but the wind was strong enough I thought I was going to.

The Causeway alone was worth the trip to Northern Ireland to see!

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